Thursday, May 29, 2014

Drive-side Damage and Repair of B Pillar and lower panel

This is the damaged area that required the dog leg removal. The B pillar was smashed up and
something creased the bottom lower panel all the way to the rear wheel well.

The bottom panel was cut off right at the first vertical support bar. This is set to be replaced by an AutoCraft aftermarket panel. 
Testing the configuration, but I realized, I cut too far up where the arch of the wheel well doesn't fit correct. I'll remove this from the original piece which I over cut.
Trying it on for size. It seems to be a good fit and will weld in quite nicely.
Piece welded in and it looks good to go. I will file down the slug when it is affixed on the Bus.
Prepping the area where the dog legs will go. 

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Received new Dog Legs

Received new dog legs today from WolfsBurgwest.  A little different looking than the website, but I can live with that. The gauge of the metal feels about right and the thinkness of the wheel well is good.
Trying them on for size.. :-)  I cannot complain. Once I have them mounted on.  I think it will be good. I'm still trying to figure out how to clean off the door frame in the front before I weld them in.